The Nashville Youth Wind Ensemble (NYWE),
part of the Belmont Academy, provides an ongoing intensive musical opportunity for high school musicians throughout middle Tennessee. NYWE is designed as an enhancing and enriching experience, providing deeper study of wind band literature and supplementing high school band curriculum. The mission of NYWE is to positively augment instrumental music education, to improve student skills as players and musicians, and to bring together students from diverse musical backgrounds to perform quality wind literature.
Learn Morepart of the Belmont Academy, provides an ongoing intensive musical opportunity for high school musicians throughout middle Tennessee. NYWE is designed as an enhancing and enriching experience, providing deeper study of wind band literature and supplementing high school band curriculum. The mission of NYWE is to positively augment instrumental music education, to improve student skills as players and musicians, and to bring together students from diverse musical backgrounds to perform quality wind literature.
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